Saturday 13 July 2013

Ramadan Health Tips To Flat Your Belly

Ramadan is a golden month for those who really wants to flat their bellies and wants to look more slim they are . To flat your belly and to become smart you have to a follow some easy and nice tips as we all know some people eat plenty of things after open their fast its not a good you are giving your belly lots of work to do after 16 hours leisure think how it will do the difficult job so here we are sharing with all of you very easy and very sweet tips to flat your belly in  Holy month what you have to do just follow the tips and get the finest results.

when fasting month comes in Summers than it automatically burns your fats but if you will eat blindly after Opening your fast than you will not loose half a pond even. SO after opening your fast do not drink so much fresh juices instead of fresh juices take fresh fruits as when you will take fresh juices you will only take lots of sugar and by eating fresh juices you will also take some fibres with them and fibres helps us to burn out fats so replace fresh juices with fresh fruits not very difficult to do .

Try to open your fast with fresh simple water instead of Tang , Rohh afza they can increase your sugar level suddenly so have them in very low quantity and after having simple glass of water.

Do not eat plenty of fried foods do not think that we have done whole day with fast so don worry eat eat and eat this is not good you are becoming cruel with your stomach by eating lots and lots just eat simple loaf bread and do not add fry and fast food din your Iftar time it will ruin your stomach and you will gain same calories again which you are going to loose.

Try to drink fresh tap water instead of freeze water cold water is not good for health. And it also helps our immune system to put on more weight  so try to drink minimum cold water.

Do not skip any of prayer and be the Muslim to offer five times a day and if you are boy with fats than offer your prayers of five time in mosque and go on your foot and f you are a girl than do not skip any of prayer Allah will not only bless you but also A prayer is an exercise to relax your muscles.

try to make a routine of walk after having dinner in Ramadan it will help you to digest your food early and also it will good for your heath.

So people these  are so simple and easy tips for all of you to follow in Month of ramadan to flat your belly quickly so keep them up and live healthy wealthy life.